Welcome Message

We at United investigations and security services would like to welcome all new clients to our business. We have been serving communities since 2011 We are pleased that you have chosen to work with us. We are pleased to serve you with the highest quality of our services

We will assure you that you will receive real time solutions And quality every time thank you for choosing to do business with United investigations and security services We are 100% grateful For the opportunity to serve you we thrive on keeping you safe

Contact Information

Danny Mcghee 773-322-3409

Location is Fort Wayne, IN 46825

About Us

We offer highly trained security officers that are willing to work around the clock to get the job done some of our offices are former police officers And more we are dedicated to bring you a quality service that you are in you your business in your community We will grow prosperous with our presents I guarantee it.

Services We Offer

Security guard services and bodyguard services. Process serving private investigation and around the clock 24 hour patrols. We patrol communities businesses gated communities private events we are here to meet your needs.

Services Inquiry

Services Interested In

Contact Information

Danny Mcghee 773-322-3409

Location is Fort Wayne, IN 46825